Nonmilitary affidavits must be dated no earlier than thirty days prior to the service and filing of a motion for a default judgment. General Forms: Affidavit of Service of Initiating Papers, Answer Form, Consolidation Order, Order Form Page 2, Default Judgement Order, Joint Trial Order.A Clerk's Certificate of Default is required before seeking a default judgment. (a) Electronically file a PROPOSED CLERK'S CERTIFICATE OF DEFAULT. All motions require appearances and oral argument. Step 1: Fill out these forms. Intheblanks form required for any matter originating and electronically filed in Supreme or Surrogate's Courts in Richmond County. This Note outlines when and how a party may seek a default judgment. This Note refers to plaintiffs and defendants, but it also applies to petitioners and. A party shall submit a motion for entry of judgment against the party in default to the judicial department that entered the Order of Default.