The Court is now processing electronic Without Notice Applications before a Justice in Chambers provincewide in accordance with the following procedures. If you must give 5 days' notice and you can serve on Thursday, Friday is day 1, and Saturday is day 2, so the earliest court date you can pick is Tuesday.Within 30 days after Judgment is given in the Court of Justice: 1. Fill out the Notice of Appeal form and file it at the the Court of Justice. If you do not want to respond but still want to be notified when things happen in your case you can use a Demand for Notice. The Pre-judgment Interest Act (Saskatchewan), an Application Without Notice for judgment must be made to the Court.) Page 34. Writs returnable to court within 10 or 20 days of issuance, will likely not be enforced. The tenant must immediately go to the housing court and obtain an order to show cause to vacate the default judgment that was entered against the tenant. Document must be filled out correctly as it will become part of the court's records. On the front page of the Summons there is a date for response.