To create a real property lien, the local child support agency (LCSA) records a Notice of Support Judgment with the county recorder. Gov or fax us at (909)859-2003.You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment. One of the primary functions of the Child Support Service Department (CSSD) is to enforce (collect) child support, family support and spousal support. The flat out answer is that the custodial parent, or parent with the most custody, may place a lien on your property if you owe child support. To do this, fill out a JL-1. Liens implicating personal debts like child support are likely to arise as judgment liens. No. The lien remains active for as long as the support debt is owed. California laws exempt support judgments from renewal requirements.