If your judgment is against a business, you can record a lien with the Secretary of State's office. To do this, fill out a JL-1.1. Try to get them to pay voluntarily. Write them a letter or ask. The person you owe money to must file an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment (form EJ-100) within 14 days of being paid. Get the form called Request to Pay Judgment to Court. California laws establish the process for the judgment creditor to begin collecting the money through a judgment lien connected to your real estate. To request a judgment lien, file a Notice of Lien (Form EJ-185) with the court clerk in the lawsuit to place the lien on a judgment. Prepare an Abstract of Judgment to place a lien on real estate and enforce debt payment with our step-by-step guides. To record the judgment, the creditor must complete and file an Abstract of Judgment.