This guide can give you a place to start your research when you have won a monetary judgment against another party in Superior or Justice court. Trying to collect a judgment in Arizona?Judgment Collectors shares their tips regarding judgment liens in Arizona and how to best collect. A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. A lien may be recorded in error or remain when it should have been removed. Exhaust all other options. Complete the Notice of Lis Pendens form. Once the judgment is recorded, it serves as a lien on any real property the debtor has or may acquire in the future. The notice of partial release of the judgment lien does not affect a judgment lien on any other real property. Also, when a foreclosure action is filed, a lis pendens will also need to be recorded in the county recorder's office within 5 days.