Not only must the owner prove the existence of malice, she must prove special damages in the form of loss of a present or a prospective advantage. Complete this form if: • You were awarded a judgment, and.• You recorded the judgment with the Maricopa County Recorder, and. This page includes useful information about where to file a mechanics lien in Maricopa County, as well as the Maricopa County Recorder's filing requirements. Understand Arizona mechanics lien laws, deadlines, and notice requirements on private construction projects, including free forms. The first step is a preliminary 20 day notice. Exhaust all other options. The first step to filing a mechanics lien is to record a Notice and Claim of Lien within 60 days after the property owner has recorded a Notice of Completion. The nature of the improvements to the real property. The court can give you a fee waiver form to fill out.