A judgment creditor may ask the court to seize your property in order to pay a debt for which the court has issued a judgment. Fill out the case caption information, including your case number and the names and addresses of both parties.The first step in obtaining the money owed is to record the judgment in the court. Date of judgment or sentencing. 3. Court Records Requests, Discovery, Electronic Case Filing Information, Fee Schedule Forms, Multidistrict Litigation Cases, Post-Judgment Enforcement The garnishment is designed to recover assets of the debtor in the hands of a third party, such as the debtor's bank, employer, or persons who owe the debtor. If, when filling out an application, a landlord asks for money to hold an apartment, it may not be clear that you are being asked for a security deposit. The request may be made ex parte. The limits do not apply to commissions, only wages. A county may appeal directly to the Tax Court without completing all previous levels of administrative review.