You may receive the form, Judgment Debtor Information Sheet (CC-DC-CV-114) from the judgment creditor. Please file a Notice of Lien in the Circuit Court for the county in which judgment was entered.Liens can be "consensual" or "statutory" or "judicial. " A mortgage is an example of a consensual lien. Below is a summary of the mortgage foreclosure process for owneroccupied residential properties in Maryland. To pay off your tax lien: Contact our office to receive a current payoff amount. You can't pay bills with a judgment: How to turn a court victory into a judgment lien, and use it to collect from your customer's property. This article describes the steps and timeline of a foreclosure case from beginning to end. 1. Mortgage in default 2. A judgment lien is not a title, interest, or estate in land, but is merely a security for the judgment debt against subsequent purchasers and encumbrancers.