Complete and file form, Motion for Order Declaring Judgment Satisfied (DC-CV-051). You have the right to consult with an attorney before completing this form.My Information: Full Legal Name: Social Security Number: _____-______-_____. Complete the Request for Order Directing Judgment Debtor or Other Person to Appear for Examination in Aid of Enforcement of Judgment (form CC-DC-CV-032). Upon being paid all amounts due on a money judgment, the judgment creditor shall furnish to the judgment debtor and file with the clerk a written statement. TO APPEAR FOR EXAMINATION IN AID OF ENFORCEMENT OF JUDGMENT. (Md. By filing a Notice of Intention to Defend, you are telling the court that you dispute the amount of debt claimed in the Affidavit in Support of Judgment. If the judgment has been paid in full, you must file a Notice of Satisfaction (DCCV031). The clerk promptly shall mail notice of the filing of the foreign judgment to the judgment debtor at the address given and shall note the mailing in the docket. Defendant: Put your name here.