A written, dated contract (with expiration date) authorizing storage is required. Form VTR265S Storage Lien Foreclosure. c.Motion for judgment of foreclosure (after finding has expired). â–¡ Motion to vacate judgment (Attach supporting memorandum of law to this form). Self-Service Storage Facility Lien Foreclosure (Form VTR-265-SSF). 3. A mechanic's lien is a statutorily created lien against real property, the purpose of which is to secure a person's right to payment for services rendered. Disqualification for interest. F. When State-Prescribed Application is NOT Required. In March 2012, the United States and forty-nine states filed suit in the D.C. Court against numerous financial institutions for "misconduct related to their. Prices and other data, as may be requested in the Bid Form or prior to the Notice of. Award. 12.