Within ten days of full payment of a judgment, the plaintiff shall file an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment with the court. The notice shall include the name and post office address of the judgment creditor and the judgment creditor's lawyer, if any, in the commonwealth.You do not always need a hearing to change a judgment or temporary order of the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. The Court may take up the motion for default judgment on the papers, conduct a hearing, or make such other orders as it deems necessary and proper. A plaintiff can file for an execution to collect an unsatisfied judgment (Practice Book § 2432). You do not always need a hearing to change a judgment or temporary order of the Massachusetts Probate and Family Court. The provisions of an order to pay shall be stated on the Notice of Judgment and Order form. The Massachusetts legislature recently passed G.L.c. One option is to fill out and file the Notice of Settlement and Dismissal form. If the judgment debtor does not voluntarily pay the judgment, however, it is up to the judgment creditor to enforce.