Find Local Rules and Forms that provide procedures and guidelines for courts in Mecklenburg County. Mecklenburg County SelfServe Center forms created for use in Mecklenburg County courts.Also fill out the certificate of service with the date on which you intend to mail a copy to the opposing side and sign it. The certificate of service is. This part of the booklet explains where to sue, which complaint form to use, how to fill in the proper legal forms, how to file the claim, and how to get the. Submit to the COURT: A proposed order for final execution and preclusion of exempt property via CyberClerk - category "Submit Proposed Document to. NOTE TO JUDGMENT DEBTOR: The Clerk of Superior Court cannot fill out this form for you. If you need assistance, you should talk with an. We present the following general formula for catalyzing the conversion of your client's paper judgment into something of tangible value (debt collection). Obtain a date and time from the clerk at the JUDGMENTS window.