When demand letters and phone calls fail to solicit a response from the debtor, creditors who want to get paid must obtain a money judgment against the debtor. 1. I am recording a judgment lien with the register of deeds in.County against the judgment debtor's current or future interest in real property. Judgment liens on personal property in Florida are filed with the Florida Department of State. You can use the subpoena form from the Michigan One Court of Justice website. D.C. Code § 15-103. FLORIDA. A judgment lien on real or personal property expires after 20 years. Fla. Stat. What is a "judgment for possession"? A "judgment for possession" means your landlord won a case against the you and can file a writ of restitution. Complete the front of the form and the "Affidavit for Judgment Debtor Examination" section on the bottom of the form.