Enter a party name to search on Last-Name First-Name (e.g. , Smith Al), Company Name (e.g.Welcome to the County Clerk's Property Records Online Public Records Search Page. Info panel icon - Search Judgment Liens. If you do not have an assigned caseworker, complete a Judgment Payoff Request Form and submit the form to the Judgments Unit. Filing electronically is the latest initiative in my mission to improve and modernize the services of the Middlesex County Clerk's Office. To search for the status of a judgment or verify that a judgment has been satisfied, visit the New Jersey Courts website. You can come to the Registry (or check on-line) and look up your name in the grantor index to see if any liens have been filed against you or the property. The person who purchased the lien will receive a legal document referred to as a "tax certificate" which must be recorded with the Middlesex County Clerk. The Tax Collector is responsible for the billing, collection and recording of all taxes and utilities levied upon the properties in the Borough.