Use the Following Forms and Brochures. First, you must pay off any child support amounts that are in any arrears, and address any interest that may be outstanding.Any child support not paid becomes a judgment against the payor. A judgment is created automatically through the child support computer system. Notice of Lending forms can be purchased at stationery stores that carry legal forms. The Federal Office of Child Support Enforcement in the Office for the Administration of Children and Families, U.S. Department of. We explain how courts evaluate claims for child support, and what factors are relevant in each particular case. New Jersey recently passed a law requiring that a judgment for child support shall be a lien against the net proceeds of any settlement of a lawsuit. We provide services to parents who pay child support and parents and caretakers who receive child support. If you would like to enter into a payment plan or pay off the liability on a judgment, call our Collections Unit at 609-633-6400, option 1, or email Collection.