A bank levy is when a sheriff is authorized to take funds from the debtor's bank account(s) to pay you. You can ask a special civil part officer to collect the money from the debtor's bank account if the account is in New Jersey.If your account is in default, a judgment will be entered in Superior Court. The person who purchased the lien will receive a legal document referred to as a "tax certificate" which must be recorded with the Middlesex County Clerk. If a judgment creditor levies a bank account containing exempt funds, you may be able to get the money back. Reviewing tax account information online will show the taxpayer if they indeed owe the IRS and how much. Records of judgement liens can also be found at the Court Clerk's office in the municipality where the judgement was issued. Massachusetts Access property records, Access real properties. In all other counties, the creditor has to file a request to record the lien in the circuit court. The Palisades Fire is already the most destructive in Los Angeles' history.