If you are facing a foreclosure in NJ and you are concerned about a Middlesex County deficiency judgment, contact Ira J. Metrick today. The judgment will appear on the defendant's credit report, and it can be there for up to seven years if it is not paid.A judgment lien arises when a court rules you owe a debt, allowing the creditor to claim your nonexempt property until the debt is paid. Access the forms and information you need to file or respond to a small claims case. In most cases, you must obtain a judge's permission to place a lien on someone's real estate. It is possible for a lender to seek this amount from a borrower. The HELOC lender is looking for a release or saitsfaction of the judgment, it's a pretty common requirement in the industry. To file suit, you must fill out a Statement of Claim and Notice form. The person who purchased the lien will receive a legal document referred to as a "tax certificate" which must be recorded with the Middlesex County Clerk. With unsecured debt, there is no property or "collateral" pledged to secure the loan.