" If the judgment debtor has paid the judgment in full, you can fill out the section called "Full Satisfaction. A judgment lien is created automatically on present and future property in the Minnesota county where the judgment is entered.A judgment lien is simply a courtcreated interest in a judgment debtor's land or personal property. In Minnesota, there is a motion you can file in state court after you file bankruptcy to remove a judgment lien against your house. The creditor first files a civil complaint with the court and you will be served with legal paperwork describing the debt that is owed. No, you do not have to use the proceeds from the sale of your homestead to pay off the judgment-lien. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the real property in. In Minnesota, there is a motion you can file in state court after you file bankruptcy to remove a judgment lien against your house. For legal forms, assistance completing them and legal advice, please consult your legal advisor. Satisfy the Judgment: Paying the debt in full is the most straightforward way to remove the lien.