A judgment lien is simply a courtcreated interest in a judgment debtor's land or personal property. File online with a credit card.OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer. D.C. Code § 15-103. FLORIDA. A judgment lien on real or personal property expires after 20 years. Fla. Stat. Not all states allow judgment liens on personal property, so be sure to check the laws that apply in your area before filing a lien. A judgment lien is not a title, interest, or estate in land, but is merely a security for the judgment debt against subsequent purchasers and encumbrancers. Yes, Florida law allows a creditor to file a Judgment Lien Certificate with the Department of State. How a Judgment Lien Attaches to Real Estate. A judgment lien is created when a copy of the judgment is recorded in the county land records.