Rule 515 provides that a judgment becomes finally effective 20 days after notice of judgment is mailed to the parties. • Your judgment was entered in a Minnesota state court (there are separate instructions for docketing a judgment from a court outside of Minnesota; see JGM101).Below is an overview of judgments in MN District Court. Case records are displayed for all Minnesota district (trial) courts. Generally (though not always), parties may not file a notice of appeal until after finally judgment is entered in their lawsuit. Almost all appeals from the. To: Fill in the full, legal name of party or parties who will be served Notice of Entry of Judgment. The wages of people who receive certain types of government assistance are exempt from garnishment if the person fills out an exemption form. If the case began in District Court, you must wait 30 days after the judgment is entered. Step Three: "Perfecting" and starting your appeal (Rule 103).