File a praecipe for judgment, using our form, a dated copy of the 10-day notice, and a Pennsylvania Rule 236 form. Include the dollar amount, a 12-digit parcel number, and an address.Your first step as a judgment creditor is to convert your verdict or other court determination declaring both parties' rights and obligations into a judgment. In Pennsylvania, a property lien can be used to collect a court judgment. Here's how it works. Step 1 to collect a judgment in Pennsylvania is to file and record the judgment in each and every county where the debtor resides or owns real property. Judgment liens are typically recorded in the county where the property is located. Pennsylvania judgments are valid for 5 years. Judgments can be revived every 5 years. (2) create a lien upon all other real property located in the county, title to which at the time of entry in the judgment index is recorded in the name of the.