☐ Please file a Notice of Lien in the Circuit Court for the county in which judgment was entered. File a certified copy of the judgment from the district justice for each debtor and a Rule 236 form.If you own property, the court will send the notice of the lien to the circuit court where you have property. The first step in obtaining the money owed is to record the judgment in the court. At the time of filing the release, you will be required to pay the release fee and any court costs that may be involved. Your first step as a judgment creditor is to convert your verdict or other court determination declaring both parties' rights and obligations into a judgment. The public can view all instruments related to land transactions recorded in the Circuit Court Land Records Department-all instruments are available online. REQUEST TO FILE NOTICE OF LIEN. (Md. Questions or comments concerning this matter to the Montgomery County Constable, Pct. In most states, the judgment creditor must record the lien via a county or state filing.