Fill out your full name and address. If you are filing on behalf of a company, be sure to use the full, registered business name on the form.Its purpose is to notify you of persons or entities who may have a right to file a lien against your property if they are not paid. The Electronic Lien and Title system enables lending institutions and other vehicle lienholders to replace paper titles with electronic transactions. 1. Who May Have A Lien? A Nevada lien search is the process of examining public records to determine any outstanding liens against a property in the state. A mechanics lien serves as a legal resource that grants the unpaid entity a security interest in the property. Nevada is one of the states that require the service of a preliminary notice called The Notice of Right to Lien before a valid mechanics lien may be recorded. â–« Grading, grubbing, filling, or excavating. Medical liens are common in Nevada injury cases like car accidents.