The notice of levy to be served on the garnishee shall be substantially in the following form: State of North Carolina. In the Superior Court.We present the following general formula for catalyzing the conversion of your client's paper judgment into something of tangible value (debt collection). The creditor with a judgment must give you notice of your right to protect your property. (f) In answer to a summons to garnishee, a garnishee may assert any right of setoff which he may have with respect to the defendant in the principal action. Wage garnishment deductions should begin with the next payroll cycle. Check with your payroll for verification. Judgment against garnishee for the smaller of: a). An amount equal to the value of the property in question: or b). A deputy may levy on the debtor's real property in a post-judgment collection, unless the debtor is married and the spouse is not subject to the judgment.