You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment.The City of Oakland has a standard claim form that can be used for your convenience. Once you have completed the Request and Order to Seize Property - MC19 form and filed it at the court, the judge must sign the form. You must complete the request and order to seize property form. Go the Small Claims page and download the Request and Order to Seize Property - MC 19 form. For all other enforcement of judgment actions, i.e. , bank levy, automobile levy, property seizure; use the Claim of Exemption (Enforcement of Judgment) form. In California, if you're the person owed money (the creditor), you can place a judgment lien on the debtor's real estate or personal property. Once you have a judgment entered, you need to fill out the abstract of judgment form.