You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment.Davidson Courthouse located at 1225 Fallon Street, Oakland (corner of 12th and Oak Streets). Some California cities also require lenders to register properties that are in the process of being foreclosed. You must record the Release of Liens with the County of Alameda Recorder's Office at 1106 Madison St., Oakland, CA 94607, to remove them from the property. If a mechanic's lien is recorded against your California property, the lien claimant (i.e. Our Bay Area deficiency judgment attorneys offer expert guidance on deficiency judgment foreclosure, ensuring your rights and financial interests are protected. Need to Update Your Registration or Deregister Your Property? Filing is mandatory for attorneys on all Civil cases. The official website of the City of Oakland.