This tells the person they have to come to court to answer questions and give you a filled out Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (form SC-133). You cannot enforce the renewed judgment until you have the judgment debtor served with a copy of both the Application and Notice.You must complete the front of the subpoena and the affidavit for judgment debtor examination on the back of the form. To do this, fill out a JL-1. Prepare an Abstract of Judgment to place a lien on real estate and enforce debt payment with our step-by-step guides. When the judgment debtor gets the Notice of Entry of Judgment (SC-130) they will also get a form called the Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (SC-133) . If the judgment debtor does not show up to the hearing on the application, a second chance notice must be served on the debtor. Fill-in the date of the Final Entry of Judgment. 6. If the Judgment has been renewed, complete box 6. 7. Judgment debtor (name): in the accompanying writ of possession or writ of sale.