Fill out and have the court to issue a Writ of Execution (EJ130) b. Complete a Notice of Levy (Enforcement of Judgment) (EJ-150).We can answer questions about your case, help you figure out which forms you need and how to fill them out, and explain different legal options. Help-U-Serve, LLC is a Trusted, Efficient and Professional Team of experts serving papers since 2009. You must complete the front of the subpoena and the affidavit for judgment debtor examination on the back of the form. The application must be filed with the superior court in the debtor's county of residence in California. Forms to Assist you in Preparing a Judgment. You can request a hearing for a ticket in judgment only if it is less than one year from the date the ticket went into judgment. The notice will include a copy of the original petition. Evicted on the date stated in the notice to vacate?