If you do not respond to the lawsuit, your creditor can get a default judgment against you. If the owner failed to pay income, payroll, business taxes to the state of Ohio, the state could obtain a judgment lien against the taxpayer's property.You may be able to negotiate a voluntary payment plan with the debt collector. 2. You can file to have the judgment vacated or removed. 3. A privately held dormant judgment can be revived under Ohio Revised Code Section 2325.15 et seq. Complete the "Instructions to the Clerk" and mark "Certificate of Judgment. " File the form with the Clerk on the 3rd floor of the Municipal Court. After a judgment has been entered, the debtor has 15 days to voluntarily pay the debt before the creditor can take legal action to collect. It's not uncommon for lien holders to accept reduced payments in their judgment, especially if the alternative is no payment at all. On the contrary, obtaining a judgment in Ohio may be the beginning of the repayment process.