A. Check all that apply: Defendant was properly served with Summons, a copy of the Complaint, and both parties received. Learn how to complete the forms you need to prepare for your final termination of marriage hearing in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court.Notice of entry of judgment would indicate that you are now divorced with the Court retaining jurisdiction over child support. It sounds like you got divorced. A. Check all that apply: Defendant was properly served with Summons, copy of the Complaint, and both parties received Notice of Hearing. A. Select one: The Defendant was properly served with summons, copy of the Complaint, and notice of the hearing. List of forms for separation and divorce, parenting, support, judgement entries, domestic violence, and miscellaneous. Certified copies may be picked up in the Clerk of Courts office, room 3-47, after you receive the postcard. Check all that apply: Defendant was properly served with Summons, copy of the Complaint, and both parties received Notice of Hearing. Forms are available here to assist you in preparing your case for filing.