The judgment debtors have 30 days from the day they are served to file a motion to request that the Application be vacated or modified. When the judgment debtor gets the Notice of Entry of Judgment (SC-130) they will also get a form called the Judgment Debtor's Statement of Assets (SC-133) .This tells the sheriff to seize property of the judgment debtor to satisfy your judgment. Any judgment debtor has 10 days to file a motion for a new trial and 30 days to file an appeal. Fill-in the date of the Final Entry of Judgment. 6. If the Judgment has been renewed, complete box 6. 7. Please make checks out to the Orange County Sheriff's Office. Once your judgment is recorded in the Superior Court, the debtor cannot sell with clear title any real estate owned in New Jersey until your debt is paid. Asks the court to order, and orders the judgment debtor or a third party holding the judgment debtor's property to appear at court to answer your questions. The Judgment Debtor.