File online with a credit card. OR Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer.Yes, Florida law allows a creditor to file a Judgment Lien Certificate with the Department of State. You have 20 years to collect on a judgment from the date that it is entered and during that time there are two main ways that you can collect. Liens against real property are recorded in the official or public records of the county where the land is located. A judgment lien is a result of a creditor winning a lawsuit and recording a nonconsensual lien against the defendant's property as record. Step 1: Fill out PLAINTIFF'S MOTION FOR WRIT OF GARNISHMENT and WRIT OF. GARNISHMENT and file with the Clerk of Court. Superior Court of California, Los Angeles. 4. You need to record your certified copy to receive a judgment lien on real property. The first option allows the judgment-creditor to obtain a lien against the judgment-debtor's real and personal property.