You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment.Online foreclosure sales, homeowner support, and certificate of title information for Palm Beach County. You can foreclose but you'll need to visit your local law library and research the steps. Or hire an attorney. A judgment lien is a courtsanctioned claim imposed on a debtor's property when they lose a case and owe money to the plaintiff. In California, a lender can complete an enforcement proceeding in 120 days. When it comes to a judgment lien on one's primary residence, there is no requirement for an application to have the property "homesteaded". Tax), but if it is a 2nd lien from an investor, there may be an intercreditor agreement that spells out the rights of the 2nd lien holder. That lien is likely accruing interest at the rate set forth in the judgment.