To establish a Foreign Judgment as a lien, you must record a certified copy of the out of state judgment and an original notarized affidavit. Below is a list of forms that you may download for free from our website.You will sign it (in the presence of a Notary) and date it. • Attach a Certified copy of the foreign judgment to the petition. If you obtain a judgment in another state or country and wish to enforce it in Florida, you must first domesticate it. Once a hearing date has been scheduled, complete a Notice of Hearing, Form 12.923, with the place, date, and time of the hearing. 3. Your Filing Options. File online with a credit card. By completing this form I am authorizing participating Judicial Divisions and the Court of the. Call the Law Offices of Paul A. Humbert for a professional and experienced lawyer to help you with a Domestication of a Foreign Judgment in West Palm Beach.