1.1(v). Using Bluebook citation form correctly requires a high degree of attention to detail. File a certified copy of the judgment from the MDJ for each debtor and a Rule 236 form.File the original and a copy with a Rule 236 form for each debtor. To the Office of Judicial Records: Kindly mark the judgment entered in the above-captioned matter SATISFIED. BY: Signature. Print. The ten-day notice period in subdivision (a)(2)(i) and (ii) shall be calculated forward from the date of the mailing or delivery, in accordance with Rule 106. (1) Fill out the attached claim form and demand for a prompt hearing. (2) Deliver the form or mail it to the Sheriff's Office at the address noted. Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. State: Pennsylvania.