Steps the City will take to ensure that people pay bills and taxes. Includes both enforcement measures and ways to pay outstanding judgment.A judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Before a residential mortgage can be foreclosed in Pennsylvania, the lender must give a 30-day notice of intention to foreclose (also known as an Act 6 Notice). Qualified homeowners MUST file a Certification of Premises As Residential . Included on this page are forms for filing civil complaints, private criminal complaints and notices of settlement when cases are privately resolved. When the Complaint in Ejectment is completed, it must be filed in the Office of Judicial Records – Civil Filing Center in City Hall, Room 296. If no appeal timely filed, judgment lien becomes effective once entered in the judgment index. If award is timely appealed, judgment lien attaches once verdict. Fill out the PA lien form completely and accurately.