This guide can give you a place to start your research when you have won a monetary judgment against another party in Superior or Justice court. If you need help dealing with a bank levy, speak with a Phoenix bankruptcy attorney at Hilltop Law firm.Call today at (602) 466-9631. In Arizona, can a creditor levy a bank account with just a judgment or do they have to get a writ? Call a Phoenix bankruptcy attorney at Hilltop Law Firm at (602) 466-9631 if a debt collector has secured a judgment against you. An overview of the procedure and relevant time frames in connection with obtaining judgment in Arizona to collect a debt. In Arizona, a judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate. Filing Length: Standard liens are effective for 5 years. Tax, Restitution, Racketeering, and Utility liens do not expire. If there is no judgment there can't be a lien (exempt for certain tax debts and HOA debts).