After you have successfully collected the judgment in full, you must file a Satisfaction of Judgment form with the Court. A judgment entered in a Justice Court can be recorded as a lien in the county where the judgment is docketed.A Transcript of the Judgment: After this is filed with Superior Court and then Recorded at the Recorder's. Liens are publicly recorded in the county where the property is located. You can record your lien at the county office of the recorder. A judgment entered in a Justice Court can be transcribed to Superior Court and recorded as a lien in the county where the judgment is docketed. What are Pima County's requirements for recording a mechanics lien? Jurisdiction and venue for any dispute arising out of this Agreement shall exclusively rest in the Pima County, Arizona. Please be advised that the Property Block and Lot number are required for filing Property Liens. Do I foreclose, get a judgement on the loan or get lien?