After you have successfully collected the judgment in full, you must file a Satisfaction of Judgment form with the Court. Go to Notice of Entry to download the form. 2.Complete the Notice of Entry form. 3. You can get a list of marshals from the clerk. You should contact an enforcement officer in the county where the judgment debtor has property. A Writ of Execution: Pamphlets on Writs of Execution are available at the Information Center or on-line. Form 7 - Initial Notice to Judgment Debtor of Garnishment, AOCCVGE7F. Instructions: Form 7 - Initial Notice to Judgment Debtor of Garnishment, AOCCVGE7I. An attorney who evaluates a claim for collection should ensure that the creditor has supplied all relevant documentation of the debt. To do this, you must know where the judgment debtor works, banks, or who may owe the judgment debtor money.