The judgment will appear on the defendant's credit report, and it can be there for up to seven years if it is not paid. A judgment lien arises when a court rules you owe a debt, allowing the creditor to claim your nonexempt property until the debt is paid.A City Marshal is entitled to advance payment of expenses incurred in the performance of his or her official activities in a particular case. Judgment proof means your income is a type or amount that is exempt from debt collection and you have no assets that a company has the right to take. Generally, you would need to:1. Prepare a petition outlining the facts and requesting relief under CPLR 5206(e). 2. In New York, a judgment lien can be attached to the debtor's real estate -- meaning a house, condo, land, or similar kind of property interest. Judgment proof means your income is a type or amount that is exempt from debt collection and you have no assets that a company has the right to take. If you have a judgment against you please fill out the form below, call us at 888.668. When your home sells in a short sale, you may need to pay a deficiency judgment.