After the judgment has been paid in full, you must fill out an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment and file it with the court clerk. Customer: I'm filing out my Default judgment forms and came across the "Addendum to Judgment" form RI-FL017.If you have a judgment against a person, but are unaware of the debtor's assets, you can go to the court and get an Order for Examination of a Judgment Debtor. The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. Provide the original writ and four photocopies of the original writ, together with appropriate fees. Please type or print legibly. 1. A motion for summary judgment or summary adjudication must be heard at least thirty (30) days before trial, unless the court orders otherwise. The petition alleges that petitioner is the owner of the residential cooperative building located at 54 Riverside Drive, New York, NY, 10024. The court process begins when our office files a Summons and Complaint with the court to get a child support order. This HowTo Guide addresses obtaining a default judgment in a civil matter in Riverside County Superior Court.