After the judgment has been paid in full, you must fill out an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment and file it with the court clerk. You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid.To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment. The judgment debtor's interest in real property may be levied upon and sold under a writ of execution to satisfy a money judgment. Customer: I'm filing out my Default judgment forms and came across the "Addendum to Judgment" form RI-FL017. A Writ of Sale is issued for the purpose of selling specific real or personal property. California laws establish the process for the judgment creditor to begin collecting the money through a judgment lien connected to your real estate. The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. Form must be filled out and notarized at the time of filing. Take your certified judgment to the County Sheriff and request that he seize and auction the property to satisfy the judgment.