To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property. Abstract of judgment or a certified copy of the judgment is filed in the abstract of judgment records.The judgment creditor in the Texas case sought a turnover of the sums paid to the judgment debtor. The judgment creditor then switched horses and sought a. Take your certified judgment to the County Sheriff and request that he seize and auction the property to satisfy the judgment. No information is available for this page. After the judgment has been paid in full, you must fill out an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment and file it with the court clerk. After the judgment has been paid in full, you must fill out an Acknowledgment of Satisfaction of Judgment and file it with the court clerk. (B) is protected under local law against a judgment lien arising, as of the time of tax lien filing, out of an unsecured obligation. Hide Topics Show Topics.