You can put a lien on that property so that if they ever sell or refinance the property you might get paid. To do this, you first need an Abstract of Judgment.A judgment lien is a courtsanctioned claim imposed on a debtor's property when they lose a case and owe money to the plaintiff. When a judgment lien is recorded against real property, the lien will remain binding even after ownership changes. The "Recorder Sample Documents" below is a partial list of commonly used recording forms and a description of each. Yes, a lien may be placed on property that is jointly owned. However, the effects of that lien depend on the type of ownership that the property is under. Use the SEARCH BAR above to find your form more quickly. Just type in the name of the form. A judgment lien is a lien that attaches to a property of a party who owes money to another party as a result of a court judgment.