This guide provides an overview of methods to enforce a judgment in California, after you have won a civil or small claims lawsuit. This series of videos will help you understand the different methods of enforcing a civil judgment and how to use them.The Claim of Exemption on Enforcement of Judgment must be filed within the following timelines from the date the Notice of Levy was served upon the debtor:. Fill out a Claim of Exemption Enforcement of Judgment (Form EJ-160) AND a Financial. Wait 90 days from the date of mailing of the Notice of Entry of Judgment. To do this, fill out an EJ-001 Abstract of Judgment form and take it to the clerk's office. If an Attachment 20 is issued, it does not nullify the requirement that the writ of execution be completely filled out. Sacramento, CA 95814. TELEPHONE NO.: (916) 321-4444. By putting the order or judgment in the official records the public is put on notice that the paying parent owes money.