Judgment liens on personal property in Florida are filed with the Florida Department of State. File a certified copy of your judgment in the real estate records of the county in which the property is located.Filing a lien entails establishing a legal claim against an asset, often a property or a vehicle, which is commonly used as collateral for payment of a debt. A judgment or notice of judgment wrongfully filed against real property is subject to Title 38, Chapter 9, Wrongful Lien Act. The act first expands the reach of a Florida judgment lien against a defendant's ownership of certain intangible personal property rights. File the judgment or Abstract of Judgment in the office of the County Recorder in the county in which the debtor's real property is located. Once the Fact Information Sheet is received, the Plaintiff can take steps to collect in the following ways, depending on what assets the Defendant(s) has. To get a judgment lien, the creditor must record the judgment with the county recorder in any county where the debtor owns property. She will not pay on her own and will not fill out the form the judge ordered in the judgment. img. logo. Last Monday, a New York judge found him in contempt for failing to adequately turn over evidence about his assets.