File the judgment or Abstract of Judgment in the office of the County Recorder in the county in which the debtor's real property is located. Utah law allows a landlord to collect three times ("treble") the usual daily rental amount from the day after the expiration of the initial eviction notice.You must do this within 28 days of the judgment. A Small Claims Court judgment must be an amount of money; the judgment cannot order the Defendant to do something – such as return personal property. OCAP acts like an interview. Send a clear written eviction notice; Fill out the forms; Serve the documents; Attend the trial; Wait for judgment. Instructions: Attach the following: Answers to Questions about Judgment Debtor's Property. If the court decides in favor of the landlord, the court will issue a writ of restitution and judgment against the tenant. You can fill out the application located within each specific listing below. On the property on which the site Is toe.ted.