File the judgment or Abstract of Judgment in the office of the County Recorder in the county in which the debtor's real property is located. Any lien placed on the defendant's assets as a result of a court judgment is known as a judgment lien.Filing a lien entails establishing a legal claim against an asset, often a property or a vehicle, which is commonly used as collateral for payment of a debt. Search for Utah Lien records. Explore the types of liens, such as tax liens and judgment liens. Use of judgment lien against personal property. To get a judgment lien, the creditor must record the judgment with the county recorder in any county where the debtor owns property. A Small Claims Court judgment must be an amount of money; the judgment cannot order the Defendant to do something – such as return personal property. This page explains how property is divided in a divorce, including real estate, personal property, and retirement accounts. Some states allow for a judgment lien to attach to a defendant's personal property.