Complete the fillable PDF form using your computer. Filing a lien entails establishing a legal claim against an asset, often a property or a vehicle, which is commonly used as collateral for payment of a debt.This Notice of Intent to Lien form can be downloaded and used to help speed up payment on a construction project in Florida. Understand Utah mechanics lien laws, deadlines, and notice requirements on private construction projects, including free forms. A judgment or notice of judgment wrongfully filed against real property is subject to Title 38, Chapter 9, Wrongful Lien Act. Mechanics lien law in Utah is strict, and you have to make sure you fill out the form exactly right. As to whether the communication was notice of an assign- ment or merely notice of the existence of a lien holder. Of mechanic's lien with the Salt Lake County recorder. 919 P.2d 568 (Utah 1996). Confidential, secure access.