To do so you must mail a notarized request for a Written Statement Regarding. To place a judgment lien, you or your attorney file an abstract of judgment (AJ) in any county where the defendant owns nonexempt property.For those who were ordered to pay in a money judgment, check out our Debt Collection research guide for resources on your rights as a debtor. A money judgment in favor of the United States in a tax case should state one figure that is the entire amount to which the United States is entitled. You can file a "partial release of homestead lien affidavit" in the County records. This will likely satisfy the title company. In Texas, judgment liens can remain attached to your property for up to 10 years. Tax Division Judgement Collection Manual 3. Entering Judgment, Stays Of Collection, And Obtaining A Judgment Lien. If you are filing a lien on a property, it must be filed in the county in which the property is located.